September 13, 2007


Of all the five Ws and one H, i still think "Why" is the most empowering and significant one. Its the key motivator to life, galvanising our every actions and doings. Though life often revolves around the what, who, when and where of our existence, the seemingly subliminal purpose or why forms the cornerstone of our behaviour. The why provides the fuel, the mind sets the direction. And there we are, catapulted into this life labyrinth. As reluctant, disorientated, unguided, or disenchanted we are, we are surrounded by obstacles, traps and opportunities. Some appear clearer than the others. I guess the future is a function of our present. And thats why it is imaginery, it is unknown. Ok, before i digress too much into maths, i think i should stop here.

Well, i started counting working days instead of absolute days. doshite? cos absolute days appear too demoralising to an ORD personnel at this stage.. esp with one or two months, the most gruelling period. So now workings days are well below 10. Actual number up to u to guess! I completed my HIV test yesterday, with soon heng and daniel. As we expected, we were guinea pigs for the trainee medic. SH and i got poked on both arms, while daniel, after hearing our stories, requested for the senior medic to do it for him. I wouldnt go about recounting the process, ask me if u want. haha! lest i frighten the rest of them.

Ok, really have nothing much to update on my life for now. Maybe it'll get more eventful after my overseas trip!

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What do you need?

"Once you understand the needs of the market, product is unimportant, competition is irrelevant" Very mind-blowing statement. An ...