September 04, 2007


有些事情或人往往让我如走马看花观望一番,但有些却令我难以忘怀,挥之不去. 这也许是人性的特征!心中种种欲望,至今无法适当的达成,实在是遗憾. 相信人往往有徘徊的时候,有踌躇,犹豫的时候. 可能我的弱点是往往处于被动状态,没有趁火打铁,把握机会. 又或许是一筹莫展?

有些事尚可顺其自然,船到桥头自然直. 但有些却得当机立断,快刀斩乱麻,不然带给人和事都没有好处!

Procrastination has been the cause of most evil, maybe its time to turn the stage around. The longer we hold, the greater the unpredictability we face. Unknown unknowns are the worst of all uncertainty we can expect. Its like having a time bomb ticking in our lives, unleashing its fury on us. Its like a punishment for our hesitation, a lesson for leaving things till the end, or to allow fate to resolve our problems.

Just take my leave and off schedule for example. There was a major screw up after a restructuring of my unit resulted in forceful interference of my forecasted schedule. Well, wont elaborate here as u know its sensitive. But one thing which i learnt after reading a book is: it is not the events that occur that are important in life, but the kind of significance we attach to these events. Ok, i think i can safely say that irregardless of any unpalatable sentiments i bear towards the schedule planning, it is always another form of blessing in its own disguise. And this disguise can only be discovered by ourselves :)

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