June 28, 2011

Imperfect = I m Perfect

Humans are not perfect. We all know this. But why do humans really err? Why despite all experiences, learning and accumulated wisdom over the years, we do not essentially be impeccable? Is it because there are too many variables in life that is out of our locus of control? Or just that human tendencies prevent us from doing everything right or perfect all the time?

Since many years ago, i have understood the meaning of the phrase on my MSN nick: Life is about progress, not perfection. It may seem to be an excuse for not striving hard enough for perfection, but more importantly, it has served as a beacon of encouragement in times where i know things are not turning out the way i want to at the end of the day. Perhaps that is nature taking its course, its slow but inevitable path that allows me to absorb what is presented along the way. Indeed, being imperfect gives us an opportunity to learn. And all the achievement that arise from learning, ever since we are young, builds our self-esteem and self-efficacy. We like to feel that we are competent.

But in life, imperfections arise everywhere.. personal imperfection is called a weakness. Interpersonal imperfections represents relational gaps that affect how two parties get along with each other. Imperfections, like all objects, interact with each other, leading to possible conflicts and dissatisfaction. Due to the negativity bias in humans, we often observe the only black sheep among the flock of whites - the imperfection. We look at the error which seems ever so glaring amidst a track record, no matter how impressive it might be. 

But HEY! Stop there! What you look out there as an imperfection has its reasons for existing as one. 

Now let me give you my perspective on why humans are imperfect. We humans are always living the best that we can be, or rather we would always want to present the best side of us to others, no matter what we do. It is a natural tendency to give our best, because we would always crave the self-affirmation, and would love to validate ourselves. And so i can safely conclude that given the set of external circumstances we are facing, and with the frame of mind cultivated by past experiences and our personalities, we are dealing with life the best possible way we can. In actual fact, we have given our very best. And Yes, you did not hear me wrong. I was talking about imperfection. When you gave your very best, in fact, it was never perfect. It was still imperfect. Just like a runner who always tries to break his own race timing, he is always giving his best at every attempt, but he is never perfect. In fact, if you take the benchmark of say a Olympic Qualifying record to just an amateur runner, he is imperfect. In short,  imperfect from your eyes. But in his eyes, that is his very best. To him, he could not have done better. Humans are never imperfect in their own eyes. It applies to all of us, and thats why we do not like being labeled imperfect, we do not love scoldings. We do not wish to know that we are lousy, because we have given our all.

Maybe afterall, there is no such thing as being perfect or imperfect. Because it depends on the lens through which you view it. And the fact is clear that no matter how perfect or imperfect you are, we always learn from what we have, and who we are. 

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