January 02, 2008

And here it comes, 2008

Oh that we were there. The familiar carolings ushered in the new year and bade farewell to the somewhat lacklustre year of 2007. To many, it signify the beginning of a great new outlook to life, with the setting of fantastic resolutions, allowing time to cast the final verdict when the christmas trees are here again this year. Everyone likes the idea of setting goals and resolutions, but similarly loathe and grudge the incompetence of the self to achieve what has been laid out. For me, some goals were accomplished, and some were leftovers for this year.

To recap my 2007, i think i've made friends who have always been supportive and there for me, though not a bunch (cos i think its impossible to have so many, in this case, quality is inversely proportional to quantity), or maybe the law of the conservation of friendship (ps calvin now this law works here :P). Good times we had, ranging from having a simple meal, to enjoying a game of badminton, xbox game, or the intensely meaningful shortlived but yet gratifying moment on 24th night at ritz carlton caroling with vj with eugene and calvin. Any further description i'll be revealing my personal life here haha.

Pink and Green have never been so clearly defined in my life. Any color blindness would have been instantly cured by this miracle remedy composed of three alphabets O,R and D. Army has been a great learning experience, i shall not deny for once, and accord merits to what i have been through. Due to sensitive issues, i shall not reveal the doings of my units which underpins my reasoning for the so called beneficial experience. Even in the darkest moments of mcing to the garang ones like duties, i'm glad that i've been there done that. Although there is always an opportunity cost, it is always good to have variation in life, just like there is always diversity in nature. You cant always go on a holiday to malaysia only and proclaim that u are a travel enthusiast. Similarly, you cant have all the ups in life being a life enthusiast.

The last 2 months of the years were spent working as a temporary admin assistant in 2 companies at raffles place. Monotonous the work was, but the work experience retained. At least i now know that i will never ever step into these jobs again.

And now for the new year. To strengthen those relationships i've made with close friends and to proceed on the next phase of my life. Relief teaching. Well a couple more of resolutions, but it shall not see the light here. Like what the army said, its Top Secret :)

Lastly, i like to share a definition of 温馨 as read from DuZhe (a magazine):


Happiness and comfort need not be through deeds of substantial magnitude, for those are often transient and lack lustre. Instead, if its dosage be small, slow releasing, yet incessant, how nice will life be?

Haha ok i should stop dreaming.

1 comment:

Miss Poh said...

hey chin leng! u subscribe to 读者? ah, i like that mag too!

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