April 05, 2007

Stagnancy - Definitely NOT in Life

Do you think that things can ever be left stagnant when unperturbed, unaroused, or even untouched? To examine inanimate objects from a shallow point of view, a pot of articifial flowers placed on a table top would never change its position unless an external force is exerted. Sounds pretty like Newton's First Law? We don't discern visible movements or displacements, but above this superficial observation, is it really of value to probe into why people say things would never remain the same again?

A famous Chinese proverb, 学如逆水行舟,不进则退. In fact many things, not only academics, exhibit such dichotomy. Nothing stands still. When u don't move, u are falling back. Be it relative to others or relative to the environment. Our mind sometimes distort what we see as "not moving" mainly because we are curtailing our vision and concern to the object relative to itself. Its actually deception. Many of our judgements made with relevance to our daily lives are often consequences of mismanaged perception, or rather our "inept" ability to obtain a rationale view of occurrences around us. As such, we have made negative advancements in our life. We are falling back.

In fact, we live our lives half the time in our own world, with only the other half responding to the ever changing environment. Humans are conservative creatures, this is undeniable. The fact that we think for ourselves, and sometimes exhibit necessary selfish stints, are testaments to us living partially in our own world. When we have two different realms of existence, our job in life is to reconcile them. It is a demanding job, a job which most blunder. The way to do it well is not to compromise any, instead accommodate both. How do we match our inner world to the outer such that it exists in equilibrium all the time? That's the key. What distinguishes a human being from another is her unique manifestation and actions of reconciliation.

Life somewhat obeys Le Chatelier principle, as what we known in chemistry. We cant afford to experience extremes for a prolonged period of time, and yet there will never be a period of calm. Stagnancy is a misnomer in the context of life, and would not really so too at death. For one's death creates a ripple in the lives of others, and this chain goes on and on.

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