March 31, 2007

When Our Life Turns Misty

When the lack of direction plagues our life, we are absolutely paralysed, either directly or obliquely. When we allow our future to dangle in thin air, to be open to bid by others like in an auction, we are subjecting it to the play of unscrupulous elements in a materialistic world. We feel restless at times, I admit, and our souls just wander around, literally window shopping. The inertia to start moving on again seems to be insurmountable. There seems to be no activation energy and motivation. How we wish there were a gust of wind, a tinge of inspiration, some little perks to lift us out. But as we going on wishing, we feel that that the sense of doom is reinforced, overwhelming our minds at every possible opportunity. Maybe that’s what they say about the law of attraction. We attract what we think of. And once again, I hate to explain the idea about changing our mindsets, for no matter how its easy to put in words, its always a billion times harder to put into practice.

I know that as many people say we empower ourselves, we control our own destiny, or maybe something more definite is that at least we are conscious that we live our own lives. However, facing the reality, how many people actually possess the capability to analyse themselves from a third party neutral view, and holistically head for a prudent journey of life? In our daily doings, our emotions dictate our demeanor. We often find ourselves having to take remedial actions for what we do. We often have this humongous time-bomb in us. Humans are governed by their feel. We are supposed to be rational creatures, but more often displaying temperamental stints. We seem to have little grip on the sentiments emanating. This might be subtle for some but magnified in others. Humans display a graded mixture of rationality.

But just as a side topic, I often wonder if rationale and emotional people mix well. Or rather, is it always the case where like attract like? Or does it resembles magnetic repulsion btw the like poles? Are rational people superior over emotional people? I’d think the entire human race can just be placed somewhere along the emotional-rational scale. Though I would refuse to conclude that whichever side is superior, I am more inclined to believe that each individual, regardless of where he stands in the scale, exhibits individual traits that would also be integral in his interaction with others. So in conclusion, to each his own. Individual isolation should not be encouraged, but at the same time, one must not blindly follow the crowd. 所谓出人头地,出类拔萃,是完全有顾及全体的. 如果没有群众,那我们只能算是一意孤行. 这是没什么好自豪的.

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