April 28, 2007

Heart And Soul

Its quite a paradox that i'm writing about heart and soul now when my previous post shows an almost hopeless case of existence. I have watched youtube these past few months on GTO and gokusen season 1. And all i would like to extract out from these two episodes are just four words: Sweat from your Heart. It was said by yankumi, the lead actress/model teacher starred. I think what most of us sometimes lack is what people usually call the X factor when they its so indescribable, or label it as passion (a rather overrated understatement). It is something more intense, something that drives endless tolling and empowers an unbridled desire to pursue individual dreams. It is surely very idealistic to explain it as above, but the moral of the story revolves around devotion.

Everyone probably has the same desire for something similar, but they might not have similar extent of hunger and yearn. That probably sets them apart. A person who has a heart for something might not perform as well as one who has heart and soul. Lets learn to inject some soul into our dreams and hopes, lets learn how to spur ourselves on, i think this skill is easier said than picked up. Even if we successfully do so for once, sustainability becomes the next obstacle. It needs to be ingrained in us. It's probably a culture, more than a learned behaviour. It needs to be involuntary, totally natural. Cultivation of such innate resilience warrants an interminable period of time.


Windstorm said...

I disagree with your use of Heart and Soul to connotate Passion. In fact, I feel that there is nothing wrong with labeling it as Passion, which is not an overrated understatement (oxymoron). I feel that quintessentially, what you are talking about is the difference between a person who is motivated and one who is passionate about what he/she is doing.

Passion, unlike habits, cannot be cultivated. It must genuinely surge from the heart. You are suggesting that we forcefully try to engineer passion in whatever we do, which is rather hypocritical. Who are we trying to delude? Others or Ourselves? (forgive my slight alliteration) I believe that we should exhibit passion truthfully. We can be motivated about the things that we do. However, we can only be passionate about things that we LOVE and Embrace as part of our lives without which we would lose all meaning in our existence. Stop talking like other quack motivational speakers who talk about passion as if it is possible to engineer it. Stop being an old-school PAP minister. [Im a papanon =)]

Though what I've said may seem rather pessimistic to some, I personally feel that it is about being realistic. Be truthful to yourself and do what you REALLY want to do and not conform to what others want you to do. Will we really gain genuine happiness from performing tasks inconsiderately delegated to us with an engineered Heart and Soul attitude?

If I came across as pompous and offensive, I hereby offer my deepest apologies for my two cents worth.

-clong- said...

eh marcus, u cheem too ar.. at first sight i thought it was some guy with PhD in psychology? hm but anyway, i didnt take it offensive, in fact thank you for spicing up my blog mate =) Nevertheless, no matter how spicy it is now, i shall add some more pepper. Maybe some flavour too, then it becomes Tom Yam :p

first and foremost, thanks for alerting me to that oxymoron. sorry for that confusion there!

I have to disagree with u that passion cannot be cultivated. Must it really be like for example when u see something, either u love it or u dont love it? can't feelings be gradually developed? Just take a BGR for example, must u really love a person so deeply at first sight? And coming to the point of motivation, are u saying that we can only be motivated to love some one, and not gradually develop the love and passion to embrace him/her?

I would think that passion and motivation are adjacent to each other, but they both are imperative elements of one's toiling to achieve his aims. In life, not everything is what we love to do, but yet it is necessary for us to move out of this comfort zone and get our act together (just like in osc). I'm not asking you to fabricate, engineer, craft, or mould something out of nothing for the misconstrued notion of generating passion, i'm just pointing to the fact that we should be subtle in acknowledging that hey this is gonna be part of our lives, we need to accept it and learn to appreciate it. Its not like coercing or deluding yourself, its a rather tame yet conscious reminder to align us for our greater good.

Ultimately, with so many analogous experiences in osc, we will only feel flamed and frustrated with unreasonable work given to us by anyone,especially those who wield the power to confine u or extend ur ORD - its pointless.

We need to be prudent with our choices. We have one heart, and one soul. Where we put our heart and soul, must be the desirable domain in which we want to lead our lives. Maybe as what M1 says, One live. Live it =)

Cheers pal! Continue to give a few more cents to this beggar out here. Ok i should stop begging u, but u gave me another perspective of this issue, especially on engineering.

I am a contented recipient to any of your however incendiary replies. Welcome to benign manifestations! :)

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with you on this one.

I think that any passion that is forcefully cultivated is totally construed and hypocritical.

Regarding your example on BGR and other relationships which are developed, I must admit that it is true that passion, like the love for your soul mate, can be developed. However, this is different from passion being forcefully inculcated. You may not love the person at first sight but you may learn about the positive qualities that the person has and fall in love with that. It is perfectly reasonable. However, this is starkly different from TELLING yourself to like the person everyday!

As for the other contention regarding work, I feel that we should not give in to the "unreasonable work given to us by anyone,especially those who wield the power to confine u or extend ur ORD". It is NOT pointless. The more you give in, the more they abuse and exploit you. If all the revolutionary leaders in history had a mindset like the one you presented this blog, then we wouldn't be where we are today. Obviously, things have to be done and changes made to improve the wellbeing of NSF!

-clong- said...

Absolutely. Coerced passion is unpalatable. It is no different from doing something without heart and soul. Passion should be allowed to flourish by itself, but we can make a decision by first opening ourselves and be receptive to whatever is the matter at stake. If there are two words, i think it would be to invite and welcome. If we choose to shut ourselves to it, then it will just remain alien and foreign to us. Like that, no amount of persuasion would coax us into loving something. Its like a starter to the barbeque. Its like the spark =)

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