February 09, 2007

Magical Life Insurance - Aspire, Inspire, Acquire (AIA)

Many people aspire for a better life, they hold brazen ambitions, they dream big. But few are sufficiently inspired to reach for these aspirations. You can really see "aspiration" as being intangible, while inspiration as the tangible driving force. Acquisition is ostensibly the fruit of your labour. Success, in its untainted definition, refers to the complete acquisition of what we have aspired, through relentless inspiration in our drive to attain it.

We need to be able to imagine our desired outcome. Such envisage is truly imperative as the constant source of motivation, a catalyst for accelerating through tumultous situations. In short, it is a mental image that offers a perk to our soul, propelling our inner desire to work towards something great, palatable and attractive. It is precisely through such vivid imagination of our future that belies inspiration, bequeathing us a great deal of passion and determination to work towards our dreams.

But of course, the extent to which we aspire curtails our achievements. As with the cliche "Dare to Dream", it is only if you hold greater expectations and dreams that you will possibly achieve it. So it adheres to a succession of logic that if one merely hopes to be mediocre, he or she will probably be lesser inspired than what he aspires to be, and the outcome? Probably below average. So aspire leads to inspire and then to acquire.

However if i were to just stop here, my argument would definitely be horribly flawed, as people following my explanation above would know little more than DAYDREAMING - aspiring the impossible. They are only taught that the greater u aspire, u the greater u are inspired, and therefore u acquire more. But for this law to work, i guess we probably wont exist in this planet. In everything we do there is loss and gain, even in science we deal with conservative laws. This theory here works pretty much the same. There is a check and balance. For every bold dream u aspire, you inherit a bold risk. It commensurates each other. So i have just made the equation a little complicated. Success isnt tantamount to boundless aspiration, infinite inspiration, and countless acquisition. It is more accurate to say that success entails a delicate concoction of all three. Bold aspirations, Maximum inspiration, Predicted Acquisition.

Why bold aspirations? Needless to say, we need to involve ourself in something stimulating and challenging. We have to forcefully mould ourselves into products which are necessary, yet not always palatable and easily achieved. And why not boundless? its because in the process of formulating such boundless aspirations, you have already injected absurdity and improbability in your dreams. So in the sense it has already transformed into something fictitious.

Now, why Maximum inspiration? How different is it from infinite inspiration? Maximum denotes peak. There is always a limit to our inspiration if u notice. An artist would not indefinitely possess inspirations for his drawings. A runner would not have unending stamina even if his mind is very strong. Emotions also have its ups and downs. We cant remain in a eternally unperturbed predisposition. Neither can we feel exhilarated all the time. What i am trying to boil down to is that we derive inspiration through events which have a lifespan. We need to constantly renew this pool of events which provide us with perks. So in order to enjoy maximum and not infinite inspiration, it has got to do with extracting the most out of each event that bypasses our life, obtaining valued inspiration and move on.

Lastly, why Predicted acquisition and not countless? As with right from the start, we only demand a rightful proportion of our share. We have prefixed an amount to take away. No bargaining about that. But the more significant aspect of the word "predicted" is the idea of confidence, conviction and faith. This is what we are going to get. We will eventually achieve what we want. We are merely reliving the process of toiling. That is what must be said to oneself. That the outcome is fully within control, nothing is unexpected, nothing will deviate from what we want. Certainty.

Oh and that pretty much concludes the secret of this magical life insurance. There is no rehearsal in life. Neither is there a shortcut for success. Taking the right path is in itself a shortcut.

It is up to us to get enlightened. And I am barely trying to.

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