January 30, 2007

The Game Of Pressure And Stress

Pressure and Stress are two words which can really make or break your life. They are fundamentally different terms in my opinion. Pressure refers to a compulsive external influence, while stress refers to a bulging internal influence. From my definition, it is sure that pressure comes from the environment, while stress comes from our innerself. We cant control the environment we live in, but yet we can presumably control ourselves. But yet why do some people live in depression, over- anxiety and even go nuts when they get over stressed? The link should lie in between- we cant control how the environmental pressure affects our inner state. It has something to do with expectations and perception.

So pressure exerted by the environment induces a certain amount of self induced tension, which is called stress. And because we cant exactly rein in the mechanism of controlling the stress induced as a result of external pressure, destress seems to be the only recourse.

So there are two groups of people: One that mitigates the consequences of stress, the other group concentrating on gaining better control of the link btw pressure and stress. In my opinion, 80 percent engage in the former, with only 20 percent the latter. This is because the latter is tedious, arduous, and often unrewarding for the start. Its not even an uphill battle. Its like jumping from one cliff to another. Make or Break. So therefore we choose the former. Its easier to manage, and often goes with the flow of life.

But maybe its real time to shift our focus on getting our expections on track. Knowing the key to set rationale expectations will pay well for our future. We will better manage our perceptions, and fortify our inner state against pressures from the external environment. We place our selves right smack in the middle of pressure and stress, acting as filter. I would say that would be the idea state. And in such an effective isolation, it is then undisputable that we have really triumph in living a life for ourselves, pursuing whatever we like without the slightest mental barrier, overcoming adversities without feeling excessively drained.

But many people have already fell off the cliff. So are u willing to gamble?

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