February 19, 2007

A Happy CNY 2007

A great CNY to everyone. Some look forward to it some dont really. They find the visiting a chore. But to be its like a welcome change in my life. Something like the 4 seasons. Its rather rejuvenating to know that for the next few days u no need to wake up and smell the NS stench.. haha. not that bad la, i exaggerated. By this time most visitings might have ended. I'd hoped u all have gotten all the ang paos u deserve. Or rather actually every year u would sorta expect a certain amount of money right? it cant possibly exceed the margin by loads. haha

Well can u all recognise a change in style of my writing? from those literary articles, its more of casual, more bloggish, more humane, more intelligible, and more relaxing entries. I am segregating the literary articles from the routine affairs, not because they dont form part of my life, but i want to compartmentalise it. So they are now not on this blog, but the link is on the right. So do visit them!

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