May 19, 2008

Action and Motivation - Chicken & Egg Qn?

How often do you get out of bed and lament that you don't feel like waking up and start work today? Casting the tiredness aside, when was the time u said to urself on a fresh day that you don't feel like doing anything today? Or maybe you put up an excuse of laziness, lethargy, listless, which of course points out to the intrinsic lack of motivation in you. That being said, i can vow that the day ahead would not be fulfilling. This group of people need to be triggered or activated.

Then there is another realm where people do not have a choice, or rather are obligated to do what they have to do daily, for eg going to work, schooling, army, etc. Yet when you speak to some of them, they seem to exude vibrancy and vitality. Their routine seems to disturb them the least. (ok, i'm referring to most, not all) They seem to find motivation in what they are doing, and their focus is on what comes on through their doings, not what comes before their doings.

Comparing the latter to the former, this begs the question of whether action or motivation should come first. We know that we need both elements for achievement of our goals, but the good question is which is the first prerequisite? To believe that we will derive satisfaction and inspiration through our doings, or to seek for a driving force for our actions?

In my humble opinion, i believe this depends on the personality and philosophy of each individual. I am however inclined to understand it in this other manner: maybe the more emotional people leverage on motivation, while the more concrete/realistic people might identify with the aims and perks and kickstart actions, seeking motivations along the way (leveraging on actions). I'm not pointing to any weakness of character here, different people are predisposed differently. Both groups of people possess the potential to achieve big. Emotional-inclined individuals who leverage on motivation harness on the immeasurable innate driving force that seeks to materialise our dreams through subsequently established actions, while concrete/realistic based individuals channel their energies onto goal-oriented actions and derive motivation alongside their doings, sustaining their momentum till their dream is materialised.

Which type are you? Share with me if you think my above hypothesis is true :D

Another quote for today:

We think so because all other people think so;
Or because afterall, we do think so;
Or because we were told so, and think we must think so;
Or because we once thought so, and think we still think so;
Or because having thought so, we think we will still think so.

Henry Sidgwick (1838-1900)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to think I belong to the emo bunch. But sometimes, the best judge of personality and character is not yourself but the people who are around you! Anyway, another thought-provoking entry...While yours is going the chim way, mine is striving towards the frivolous lol. :)

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