April 11, 2008

Emotion Potential (EP)

Men are driven by emotions and innate beliefs. When we feel strongly about a particular earthly object, person or matter, we develop a gradual/strong desire to possess it. Our mind paints a picture of the lovely yearning, filling it with imaginably exotic details and amazingly flawless satisfaction upon acquiring it. The idea is constantly reinforced by going through repeated reinvigoration of itself, feeding our soul the necessary "energies" to inch forward in our pursuits. More often than not, an enemy by the name of distraction comes along with a energy sapping device, draining away the gusto and extinguishes the flame of our barely lited dreams. They attack us when we are the least determined, ambivalent in our convictions, and most vulnerable to external influences. When this enemy comes near, its aura cannot be missed. Just like the stock market, our emotional indicators will fluctuate, oscillate unpredictably, maybe just like the fibonacci sequence. We go on an irrational ride, and steadily losing grip of ourselves. Engulfed in emotions, the usual composed rational disposition is overwhelmed. Flickering flame, befuddled individual. So where do people turn for help?

Many places. Sometimes almost everywhere except themselves. They recognise their own weaknesses, but they do not know the it is their very self that provides the strongest form of support, the most turgid cushion to lift us from the quagmire, and the most reliable companion to see us through rough times. I do not deny "no man is an island", and neither do I downplay any external help. When we seek help, we are just finding another avenue to affirm the positive thoughts or the so called resolution that we have inside ourselves all the time. That inner strength just wasn't sufficiently recognised and utilised. So do some inner searching, for in times of real emotional downs, more often if we are patient with ourselves and standby our emotions, ackowledging them as normal, and then adopt a third party view of oneself, we might very well discover the antidote to our long-troubling malady. It takes courage, it takes understanding, thats why external help just serves to facilitate our transition to become a more courageous and self-accepting person.

Having faith in something seems to work for some people in achieving their goals, while for others it is to no avail. Does that mean the faith is less sincere or less intense? What governs the law of faith in its galvanisation of our actions? Is believing a catalyst to achieving? Yes many can testify, and copious evidences lend credence. But in all cases, constructive action has been existent in the process of realising the aim. So does faith leads to positive action and focused effort? Where is the missing link?

I am no one to offer an explanation, but my humble guess points out to the extent that these aims/goals occupy our mind and thoughts. Not only how long, but how deep, how wide, and how we always consciously refresh its image to enliven it. Yes, how real. Being intense or sincere isnt the same as how real! Humans connect to images and visions differently. We respond to signals in varying degrees of affection, and the magnitude of these affective temperaments is exclusive to one only. If i am happy, and i describe to you with the best vocabulary i have, best phrase or whatsoever, you would still be not able to know the intrinsic value of it. Not because we cannot assign a value to emotions, but because we do not know the Emotion Potential (EP) of what we are feeling now.

Emotions are actually stored energies. Just like ATP (adenosine triphosphates), they have the potential to be harnessed to do work (actions). The potency of these stored energies in us would accurately depict our desire, faith or belief in any aim, goal, ambition, or any desirable object/matter. In my opinion, potency is the measure of tendency/capacity for action. So the emotion potential beholds the key to our sustained motivation, execution and achievement of our desires. They arent like machines which lift our arms and legs to do work, neither do they provide us with instructions, manuals or what to do next. There aint any free meal on earth. But they provide the substance, the most fundamental fuel in our lives. They governs an individuals behaviour towards procuring objects of their liking. They determine how one would respond to external challenges in the proces, the journey.

Abstract? first i mentioned about humans having different affections towards external events, then introduced emotion potential, and linked it to one's performance towards achieving what we set out for ourselves. I also said about dreams being real, not just realistic and prevalent. Ok, i'm not the first one to advocate this, but most of us fail to put in effort in making what we want real and an within distance. Much more can be said about emotion potential (EP), a relatively unfamiliar concept which just came to me in the midst of this writing. I will try to share more when i discover more insights!

Thank you for your patience, my dear readers :)

Disclaimer: I am a novice in this, so do guide and critisize whenever u deem necessary. However, if you are disturbed in this highly erroneous(in your opinion) post, let me pacify you by referring you to my title: Benign Manifestations. Understand these two words well. That will quell any turbulence within you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice makeover! Don't quite understand your post but I know you spent a lot of time on it. Very chim though. :)

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