February 29, 2008


When our math teacher taught us that (-)(-) gives us a (+), i had never doubted its accuracy. But when this applies to life, the above statement is a large hoax. I'd like to interprete the 2 (-)s in this manner. The first (-) implies the unpleasant, distasteful experience that befall on us during our everyday lives. The second (-) connotes our individual responses towards the predicament. It does not take rocket science to explain a negative perception of any misfortune would never turn out to be a positive experience. So in life, lets refine the equation:

(-) x (-) = (-)

I'll let u do the other combinations yourself. But you get the point.

I've been trying to strike some positive, optimistic outlook in everything i do, my experiences, and my various attitudes towards the world around me. Sometimes the human mind wonders so uncontrollably that u would almost says it flirts around with the unwanted. Sometimes it really bothers me. Maturity. Am i or am i not?

Comparison leads to a dead end in itself. Competition is however essential for improvement. In competition there is inevitably comparison. Can a balance be sought? I dunno if blogging helps to unleash the sentiments pent up in me, cos i'm restraining it. Well, maybe i should stop adding more negatives behind the string of negatives.

Today there was a lesson on cyberbullying in school. Being a RT there, i was just wondering that if the above mentioned could add to the negative vibes of my readers, and hence contribute to some sort of cyber harrassment maybe?

This is getting really off tangent. I promise i will stop now.

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