August 16, 2007


上个星期三上了艾莫老师的课程 - 财富的觉醒.在诸多艾莫老师的培训中,每一次我都受益良多。在这一次的课程里,老师为我们讲解了心致模式。一个人拥有的心致,比拥有任何成功的价值还要高,它是我们一生中的指路航标,掌控着我们生命的。但偏偏这细腻又微不足道的细节却是那么容易忽视,那么困难掌握。艾莫老师告诉了我们,心致-思想-行动-行为模式-习惯-性格-命运。这是息息相关的,一个导致另一个。所以今天我们培养了什么心致,我们未来的命运就会是如何。这句话说得容易,做的难。每一个人对待周边发生的任何事情所采取的反应就是我们心致的象征。很多时候,我们常常把焦点放在表面上,过度在乎了自己的外在。活了这么久,完善自我内在简直少之又少。虽然物质方面非常饱满,但心灵却空虚。


How many of us have thought seriously about life? What we want, what's our measure of happiness and satisfaction? Maybe we have all dwelled upon our career, how much we wish to earn, when we want to start a family, where to go for a holiday.. but not many have contemplated about the mission of their existence.

U know i'd sometimes think that life is like a game, like monopoly. People keep revolving around their daily routine activities just like the game where players have to keep passing the "go" mark. We collect money everytime we pass go, just like how we draw income every month. We spend on our expenses, buy cars and properties, save up, and even random events pop up like the "chance" cards. Its like some inevitable journey which doesnt stop just because we are sick or tired. U realise that the game portrays material wealth above everything in life. But of course thats because it is the very nature of the game. I'm not faulting the game or what, but i think sometimes we ought to slow down the pace of our life and think hard. Think hard of those around us, our parents, our friends. Cos at the end of this game of life, there is only one fate, that is to depart from this world. And there are many variables in life.

Health is one of most vital components which is often traded off with instant gratification. You might not know that you might fall terribly ill tmr, or that ur loved ones might. Take a step back. Pay attention to our spiritual world. U will then realise that all desires and yearnings in this world arise and disappear due to slight differences in the workings of our innate. We can control them, just that we are not persistent enough. We can change our destiny, just that we do not believe we can sometimes.

Everyone is a mirror of their innate, just that this mirror is more often viewed by people around us, and not so much by the creator himself.

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