March 11, 2007


理性的根本描述着出污泥而不染的现状,是一种少数人类的非凡特征. 活在一个多姿多彩,诱惑百般缠身的世界里,人,身为感性动物,是难以卸下此面貌的. 古人曰: 知己知彼,百战百胜.我们之所以屈服于精神压力,之所以打感情败仗,完全归咎于对自己对自己内涵的了解不渗透. 其实,我们不时会听到这句话“你不了解你自己”. 在反复斟酌之后,我们有时会茅塞顿开,顿时大悟. 其实,客观的事实无形的影响了我们感性的主观,使我们在第一时间接触到它时,情不自禁地投入它的怀抱,结果忽略了大局. 而正当我们越陷越深,丧失理智时,旁人才指点迷津。我们这才发现当局则迷,旁观者清. 浪子回头之际,才忏悔自己当时的愚蠢. 我说我们人为何这么傻呢?

Ok, sorry to put some of you through the above agony. Haha this brings me to another issue. To some chinese, chinese language has offically been wrote off as their native language, and i think its very pathetic. Havent written or read a full chinese article since like 2 years, i have already felt a certain sense of guilt. You know its really sad that many singaporeans have adhere by evolution, adapting to our new english environment and compromised our precious culture that we have brought along with us. To me, chinese will always remain a beautiful language. Its meaning can be simple yet thought provoking, creating emotional imprints in our mind. To be frank, I took quite a while to construct the entire chinese paragraph above, and i am really feeling like a disgraceful chinese. Haha. But nevertheless, i'm still glad that my mind still somehow managed to churn proper chinese sentences out.

Ok, what a post.


Anonymous said...

hello! haha that certainly took a little more time than reading english! anw, type in chinese on msn next time la, tho it's slower :)

-clong- said...

哈哈,熟能生巧吧!这也是提高语文水平的不二法门!你看,我这不是写华文了吗? :)

Anonymous said...

hi chin leng! 不知道你在愧疚什么,你的华文程度真的很好!我想你应该会喜欢这个blog:

是以佛教角度思考人生的blog, 可是没有你的那么“高深莫测”!! 容易读多了啦, 哈哈。。

-clong- said...

hi, thanks for the sharing. haha my standard not that high la..i have not write/read chinese for almost two years, maybe only recently because of my work i come into daily contact with it. But still very minimal.. like just reading headlines.. haha.

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