October 07, 2006

Life as it Always will be

"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going."

This in itself doesn't symbolises strength, for how many people can really move on? The depressing circumstances we are in already dampened whatever ounce of motivation and courage. For one primary reason, it is because we have clearly lost our definition of failure. We have been confused by our own intangibles--emotions. Failure always packages itself in a somewhat menacing way, thrashing u all the way to the rock bottom, will just giving u a rope to slowly thrust your way up. How slow and tormentous can the process be if we were to relish the every painful moment of failure? It would seem eternity before we really transform into positive and motivated individuals on our way back to accomplishment.

I came across this very useful series of CDs from a professional business consultant. His name is 艾莫. From china. He was a doctor, but later reverted to consultant. He read through a myriad of books on success, and at a young age of 20 plus, he published renowned books. His dogged determination on success inspires the weak mind and enlightens a befuddled individual in a complex world. My point on this is that we all need some form of motivation and guidance. Admittedly, most of us wouldn't have the correct idea as to how we should really go on with life from here. Often embattled by the reality of our doings, many often cite a reason of excuse, and not propose a way ahead. Easier said than done. That is without a doubt. If not i wouldn't be writing this here too. Find your own source of inspiration. Look at the world around u. Look for somthing worthy to strive for. Or just look at ur parents for example. Sometimes when u are just all down, it works if u calm urself down and take a peek at how many people have put in effort to make your life so meaningful for the past years. U r sad now. U are feeling down. Do we really bear to remain like that? We are shaping the world we live in. And definitely the comfort of our peers, family and everyone around us. We cant afford to be too self centred to let our emotions dictate our doings. Indeed, we must be considerate. A life without any semblance of hope and happiness is as good as one without a sense of orientation and responsibility. A person without hopes and aspiration is as good as dead. I in particular like what was mentioned by 艾莫 on aspiration:


A school is as good as its students. We are just as good as our hopes and aspirations. We cant afford to let ourselves down. Because if we do that, many people around us will be affected. U wont know how many people really look upon u as their pillar of support until u are not physically around. U wont know how many people cherish your presence and appreciate your doings. You wont ever know how your indifference to life would cast dark clouds over the life of others. You cant afford to let yourself fail. Success is a responsility, self admitted failure is a disgrace.

成功是一种责任, 失败是不道德的

In many things we do, we only have that valuable one choice. If we ever lost our chance at it, it would probably be left to regret it. Many of us are reluctant to leave our comfort zone for fear of known unknowns, and certainly unknown unknowns. But, if our aims warrant a need to do so, we must be brave to step out. We must relegate our fear to the secondary tier. We must not be stuck with our past failures. We must not be overwhelmed by emotions. We must not be paranoid of our future.


Success only comes for those who prepared and are ready for it. It is just a continuation of hardwork and undeviated focus on our targets. It is the fruits of our labour.And we must not be afraid of what we are going to achieve. Life is short and we can never get a second chance.Whats done is done. U can never hurt someone and say sorry, expecting him to forget it. Its a totally different matter. History is never catered for rewinds or backtracks. And so u should never allow yourself to.

人生没有彩排的机会, 每一天我们都要以正确上场姿态办好它

May we all remember this. If anyone wants to hear the CDs, feel free to borrow from me.


1 comment:

frezb26 said...

... i give up le. ur tagboard dun lyk me lah. always refuse to let me leave a msg. :) i'm nx btw.

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