February 25, 2006

NS Chapter 5: Chionging Syllabus Week

This is a relatively intensive week in BMT. We clear our SOC, our many many lessons of IMT, IPPT, BCCT(like crazy) and also had talks, dialogue, str training. Woohoo... really tired. U could feel the tight schedule when we had to rush for our meals, and also practice drills for POP. THe drill squad ppl were worse. They had arms drill many times. I felt like a dead log every night. Whole body aching. The Asian Aerospace thing resulted in halted sea movement, esp our fastcraft. The book out timing was changed to fri night, Which is the first time so far which we got to book out on fri! yay! but not for me.. I volunteered for guard duty on fri night. It was an uninformed decision, so i cant really blame myself for that. i just told myself to take it positively. Well, afterall i think its a good experience. At least u get to know what are the guards role and how they function. My experience as a guard was just like how i felt when i did guard duty in field camp. Patrolling and patrolling. Except the bmt route is much longer. And we have to carry a shield too.. i felt the burden after sometime... Other than that, it was a peaceful duty, albeit very tiring cos i did not get enough sleep. I told myself to be constantly alert for a turnout. It occured when i was coming back to guard room after completing my shift. I saw the other guards marching on the spot. I knew it was a turnout, and thought i was lucky to escape from that. The CSM was kind, and promised not to disturb as that night as long as we carry out our duties accordingly. my sgt also gave his word that as long as we fall in on time to report for our shifts, he would not do a turnout. Yep, that night wasnt as bad as what my sgt previously warned that he would at least have 2 turnouts. But i was really like zombie the next morning. Nevertheless, i didnt really regret my choice to volunteer as guard. At least i know i wont be chosen for guard duty during block leave unless i screw up my range :)

Another concern is my SOC. I failed to clear all obstacles. The swing trainer and the low rope. I didnt really expect myself to fail the low rope cos i managed to clear it last time round, albeit without my SBO. As for swing trainer, i think its a problem with my technique. I can do like 10 pull ups and i cant clear. My friend is a zero fighter and he clears it easily. haiz... i will not give up man... but i need to find areas to improve first. My IPPT results arent up to my expectations. I want a silver, but in the end i only managed to pass it. SBJ need another 4cm more. I want to retake, but it really depends if my PC allows. I am looking forward to the end of BMT. I still have my range and 24 km graduation march. On the day of POP, i hope to be able to feel the sense of pride and achievement. Ninja Ninja all the way, i like it here i like it here i've found myself a home a home a home sweet home "Bang!!!!"

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