June 26, 2008

I hope

2.5 years passed in the blink of an eye, be it the green times, or the current disorientated transition period after my ORD. Whatever it is, times of studying seems to be back again.. this time, it would be a different me undergoing the tenacity and rigour of the academics test. My life has been stretched in the past 2.5 years i would say, and i had experienced something distinctly different from the past 18 years of my pre-university life. One major change is the awareness that i must be independent, that i am no longer in the days of relishing in my own comfort zone. I know in this process this would be a tough period, where sacrifices need to be dished. In my various endeavours so far, while i have found meaning in whatever i do, i have not fully found my real direction and intrinsic meaning in life. While i allowed myself to experience the trials and tribulations, the intricate details of existence, i have not galvanised myself to act upon them, to form convictions and strengths within to chart my own path. I am rather thankful to many of my dear friends whom without them, i wont be able to taste the niceties of progressing through life as a team, rather as an individual, to do the little things together, enjoying our insignificant yet joyous and inflated moments of pride.

Uni beckons next, with a whole new world to me. Not the people, not the academics, not anything. Its a challenge to me because my routine is going to be changed. My expectations would need to be altered. My act of balancing have to be refined for the better. My own psyche has to adapt well. The nitty gritty of it all seems to expands in front of me.

I hope, and i hope. No. I will, and i must.

Till then, if you are still reading this, give me a nudge. My fortnightly posts are turning into a monthly one if u observe. But well, does it depend on the readership?

Please, this question is not rhetoric, do answer! :P

Yes/No, you decide.

I like quotes about life, don't know why.

Life is a journey, not a destination
Life's about progress, not perfection
Life is about balance, not extremes
Life is about laughter, not the joke
Life is a game, not the results
Life is about the whys, not the whats and hows

My last self created inspiration about life...

Life is about living in fearless eternity, creating a unique prototype where you base your self-esteem and source of significance, seeking life progresses from within, achievements from the internal, through our interactions with the external reality. We are who we are, as much as we allow ourselves innately.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope is a manifestation of life. What feeds it is the will and determination to go through whatever stands in the way. What causes it to flourish is the courage to believe. You'll Never Walk Alone (YNWA) to quote my favourite football club! :-)

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