October 17, 2007

Picture Paint A Thousand Words

In memory of my ORD, light years later...Credits to Calvin, Photoshoot of his Fifa 2008 on X Box 360 :)

---Added on 19 Oct---
Well, calvin has also humbly presented the other side of the story on his blog.. well not really the other side. Its like a far off echo, a reveberation. (look up the physics notes for resonance :P)i.e. u can see that calvin's frequency is the same as mine, (thus no damping) and there is maximum transfer of energy :) (pardon the physics, i'm trying to prove my intelligence which was credibly long lost)He aptly summarises the years of NS in 6 letters, brilliantly epitomises the mental state of all NSFs throughout our 2 "hilariously excruciating" (i absolutely have no idea what it means) years. My mind is in an alpha state; it means getting unconsciously high on an illusion, or rather something which shldnt have elicited such a response.

An excerpt from calvin's blog: "...during which he garnered 3 awards- The Reckless Driving Award (RDA), Front Parking Proficiency Award (FPPA) and the Road Shoulder Award (RAA)!!! "

Referring to my driving, i have to confess that it was really hilarious with calvin as my vehicle commander too.. if he was the TP, i would have failed more than anyone in this world had for their driving. LOL :P Well, not so dangerous actually.. we all went back in one piece.. Why??


"we are drivers too!"


1 comment:

Calvin T said...


What do you need?

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