June 14, 2007

Let life be x

This sound mathematical..But pardon my uninspiring post for now.

Let life by x. Thus, logically speaking, given that everyone in this world leads a life unique, our lives are expressed as a unique function of x. g(x), h(x).. what ever functions.

Coincidences Or Uncanny Resemblances?

1) Is there a default in life? can y=x be a template and benchmark in our lives? Why do we like to compare ourselves with those around us? Why is the function of people's lives important to us?

2) Life crosses its path. We might find compatible partners, confidante, best of friends, buddies.. in this case, both mathematical functions intersect, ie there is a solution for g(x)=h(x)

3) Are our lives very complicated? different degrees of polynomial equations?

4) When we start to analyse things, think about life, make judgements, sieve out choices or even adopt a certain perception about things, we are actually taking the derivative of our life function with respect to that particular domain. Sounds familiar eh? dy/dx? dy/dr?

5) How about second order derivatives and higher order ones? These people think really deeply dont they? The extreme case could lead to perverse conditions like paranoia, pessimism. These people, being in deep thoughts, might constitute introverts, but could also point to real wisdom in their respective fields.

6) When we try to guess, infer, postulate, spectaculate, imagine or construe any image, we actually equate these derivatives into a constant. ie, for example, dy/dx = 0, its the gradient. The "gradient" here is the end product of our thought process, our inference and conjecture.

7) Some times we think the same way as others, but only for that small domain and limited range of matters. sin x approximately x for small radian values of x. familiar?

8) Life got asymptotes one leh? heard before? Asymptotes could be horizontal and vertical. They are demarcations of our living environment. Not of the physical space, but of our emotional and behavioural spheres. Human tendencies and inclinations i guess. Somewhat intangible.

9) How about transformation of graphs? Sometimes we make changes to our lives right? We change our lifestyles, our habits, and our attitudes. These changes are reflected in the various transformations. Substitute 2x into x, Subst. (x-1) into x. Subst. (-x) into x. We can initiate changes in myriad ways. Yes Empower!

10) Interesting functions like composite or even inverse functions behold different meanings. Up to the individual to decipher. Of course there are many more!

Life is an equation. Some are famous ones, like F=ma in Newton's, or even Charles Law, Bernoulli. Whats important is not the recognition and endorsement by the masses, but whether we live up to how we define our equation.

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