January 22, 2006

NS Chapter 1: Confinement period

woah... 2 weeks has passed by.. Its my 2nd time booking out already, all thanks to hari raya haji. well this 2 weeks of ns has given me a taste of what the next 2 yrs of my life would be, or if not tougher than this. This 2 weeks of adjustment period has introduced me to a totally different environment. A more regimental, disciplined and effective way of life. the ppl there love vulgarities apparently, and use them quite frivolously... as conviniently as a comma or a full stop. Some commanders employ vulgarities in a hilarious way, making it sound comical. But i can assure u that the spouting of vulgarities during serious scoldings are harsh and intimidating. I am in ninja company, dubbed as one of the more "xiong" companies. The sergeants admitted it themselves. My sergeant told me that if we do not hate them, that means that they have failed in their duties. They also said that the best form of welfare is tough training itself. Every new recruit would shudder upon hearing that, especially when they havent get accustomed to life in the army. As compared to the what other companies told their recruits that a happy company is a good company, being in ninja is indefinitely a stark contrast to recruits from other companies. the oc is commando officer. He often quotes: The world is cruel, men are selfish. He doesnt want us to show that this slogan is true. And if we do... the world is cruel will turn true. And it means that hell would be unleashed. He hates ppl dragging their boots. And i mean it. Just because one person dragged his boots, we got the latest book out timing and earliest book in timing. He's a very on the ball commander.... comes for every training... be it strength training or even our route march. We hate his presence, cos its like a country on high alert. Every movement not done well or too slow.. he will be shouting at us, or even punishing us. Its like some big shot clamping down on ur neck. and u are like treading on dangererous grounds every now and then with him around.

We are supposed to have 7 hrs of sleep. Reality is always different. 6 hours at most. Very little time to do personal admin. haiz... need to do laundry, bath and prepare for next day. Really tired, but must get use to it.Thats what the 2 weeks for.... i really dunno what's the full fledged training like.. It'll be after tonight when i book in.........

Cya for now :)

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