November 07, 2011

What do you need?

"Once you understand the needs of the market, product is unimportant, competition is irrelevant"

Very mind-blowing statement. An advice by a Venture Capitalist. However its the crux of business existence. Trying to think of a competitive edge for your business? Answer the needs, and you get your competitive edge. Why? Because if you eventually dwell into specific needs of the paying customers, you will realise that competition is indeed irrelevant. You are competing against no one, but yourself. Some say, the blue ocean strategy.

This applies to life as well. You are just like the market. Knowing who are are, what are your priorities in life, what you value in life, your personality and strengths furnish information about the product - you. As you really discover what drives you, where your passion lies, you will realise that in life there is no competitor. There is no benchmark. Everyone becomes a unique blueprint instantaneously. 

The ultimate question of asking about what a good life is all about, what life is most worth living, and issues of well-being, Subjective well being, life satisfaction etc to me has a common underpinning: Are we meeting our own needs? No matter what we are talking about, be it happiness, achievement, fame, legacy, security, comfort, freedom. All these outcomes/products, do they matter? The product is unimportant once you understand your need. You will take the necessary action to reach the appropriate outcome, and naturally your good life will be achieved.

Lets once again think through who we actually are, or if we do not have the answers now, lets be mindful, make a conscious effort in discovering what we like, talk to people to discover our strengths, and read up to understand more about our own human psyche. The road to self-actualisation begins with a single intention. 

And that is all is required for a flourishing life. 

What do you need?

"Once you understand the needs of the market, product is unimportant, competition is irrelevant" Very mind-blowing statement. An ...