July 30, 2007

ORD - On Routine Demand

The aim of every serviceman is to ORD, and i bet this yearning has reached a pinnacle for most of the 1987 jc batch guys. The acronym ORD - On Routine Demand is indeed a fitting description of the constant longing and clamoring heard. I shall now present to you my jubilation of reaching the 100 day mark, or rather the anticipation of the two digits!

For those who don't know, its a snapshot from my ORD counter below. It was taken during office hours! :)

July 29, 2007

From All Thoughts Everywhere

When people pray they bear certain hopes and aspirations, be it immediate or long-drawn. However what remains in common is that they plant a seed of their destiny. We are the embodiment of our thoughts, expressions and actions. By subconsciously reminding ourselves of our dreams, we allow our soul to indulge in precious perks which only serve to bind us closer to our dreams spiritually. I want it, and i want it badly. This is a common phrase often muttered perfunctorily, or out of exasperation. But our predisposition and demeanor go through a radical change subsequently when we send out these sirens. Henceforth the title FATE, an abbreviation for From All Thoughts Everywhere.

Ok, these are just some little thoughts after reading the chinese book. Thats all for now i guess. Be positive, and life will be positive. Do not hesitate to be what u want to be. Change your life by setting an example for yourself. Dare to dream!

Oh, btw, this is the chinese book:

July 15, 2007

Garden With No View - Only If We Perceive It So

Last friday, our unit had its anniversary..i think it should be the 5th anniversary, hm who cares? lol:P. If you follow my previous post, you would have known that the event is held in the zoo. Being chosen as one of the so called "helpers" by the organiser, i basically camped at a certain checkpoint in the zoo. There, teams would arrive and solve puzzles given by me, and upon solving them, i'm supposed to give them clues to their next checkpoint. And in total we had 3 checkpoints, and the one i was in was a pavilion called "Garden With A View". Here it is..

And of course i wouldnt stay so conspicuously inside the pavilion. I took a seat on a bench behind the pavilion, trying to maximise my disguise. Haha, but some groups later came on to say that they could see me from a distance away.. oh wellss.. cos it was an upslope. But nvm. Anyway it wasnt a very concealed area afterall. And from the bench i sat on this was my view.

I camped at my checkpoint for almost two hours. That was the entire duration given to the event. So i decided to call it Garden with no view because that was all i saw as compared to other helpers. One was at the reptile garden. There were much more to see. But of course i am not grumbling too much on it cos its already quite good that we are not in office working. And considering that i had been to the zoo the week before as an advance party, getting to really "visit" the zoo, go on animal-gazing, watch animal feedings, i'm rather glad to be a helper.

Haha, actually looking at the big picture, any issue in the world has both its good and bad sides. desirable and undesirable. both relative to the viewer. In the eye of the beholder. Together with Mark Haddon's book i borrowed from the library, it was this chinese book entitled "所以你也要发正念"

I havent really finished it. But it discusses on the law of attraction. When a person is thinking of something, he is actually sending out signals and waves to the world. Every thought is a wave. And the fact the people with similar interests often congregate together without the need to call, or the fact that unfortunate incidents often descend on us one after another, it is all attributed to our thoughts. These intangible signals have the capability to resonate with the surroundings. Just like instruments which can provide vibrative resonance, singers can shatter glasses at high pitch, and destructive waves causes bridges to crack, signals emanating from our thoughts (be it positive or negative) has the tendency to go along with signals of similar frequency. Sometimes you might hear people saying casually to one another: " hey, i think we are talking in different frequencies", ie "no link". This is an apt description of a discourse in conversational topic. Such conversations tend to end quickly, or if it were btw two strangers, it might even end abruptly. Thus the string of happenings that we encouter later on are actually somewhat controlled and linked to the way we think. Our innate world hold the key to both our tangible achievements and intangible satisfactions - emotions.

I know it is hard to tell people to smile when they are sad. Or to think of very positive things when they are worrying. For the matter that is causing distress itself has to be attended and treated at its roots, and not by the method of problem digressifying or by distractions. First i think we need to get in "control". In "full control", and not auto pilot. If our brain is the computer and our thoughts are the processes and programs, we must be the person sitting in front of the computer choosing what processes we want to run. We need to press ctrl-alt-del to go to the task manager and end deleterious tasks. We need to get rid of malignant programs. And this person that presses the ctrl-alt-del is often our inner voice. The inner subconscious that sometimes warns us of imminent danger and sometimes does the analysis on subject matters. It's actually a very powerful voice which dictates how we function and what we think.

Positive attract Positive. Thats why positive thinking works. Our conception of the world is the way we are living currently and in the future. Although detractors might argue that simple thoughts might not lead to disastrous consequences without concrete actions, they might be blatantly misled. Thoughts, though seemingly subliminal, are actually the engines of our actions, the arsenal of motivation in whatever we set off to do subsequently.

I think, therefore i am. In this world, people are merely an illusion of their thoughts. Their world has parameters defined by their thinking. Cliche like "think out of the box", "step out of your comfort zone" often lies in our thoughts. The world is torturous because we looked at it in that way. If at anytime, we want to blame anyone or even the world for our fate, we must first know that we brought it upon ourselves. Everything in this world is accounted for, and has a meaning for its existence.


The way to lead a fulfiling life foward is to add a short phrase behind the above chinese quote. That would be:


July 08, 2007

Fun Zoo Trip + Book Review

Well, i rather enjoyed my last friday trip to the zoo. You may ask what is a freaking NSF doing in the zoo during a weekday. Nothing fishy there, i'm just part of the committee organising for our unit anniversary, surprisingly held in Singapore zoo. First things first, it was a real sense of nostalgic. I had not visited the zoo for more than a decade at least, and the feeling of being a "tourist" in a foreign land was only natural when i first set sight on the landscape around me.

We went one round throughout the entire zoo, taking photos, formulating questions and useful hints to possible puzzles and quizes. Wa, and dont underestimate the effort there man..there have been envious glows by my fellow friends that its great to be off somewhere else as compared to being in the office. No doubt i would have agreed, but the walk was also quite shag and tiring alright. But of course the atmosphere was pleasant. Call it an excursion. On that day itself, i saw numerous throngs of primary school kids on excursion. And one of the sch was my pri sch!

Ok, just finished reading Mark Haddon's book. "The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time".

Mark's vivid unravelling of the workings of a logical yet socially challenged mind portrays another dimension of life which many people would have not been able to comprehend. It is a touching and convincing plot of the struggles that a poor little child has had to go through. Though reviews by other publications used the word "funny" and "humourous", i find it disturbing and inappropriate. It is more poignant and reflective. Solemn yet gracefully and honestly depicted.

Maybe i shall quote one of my favourite lines. Quoted from pg 178.

"And also, a thing is interesting because of thinking about it and not because of being new."

This encapsulates the essense of my review. Great book to one who knows how to appreciate it. To be honest, i found that some parts of the narration are almost similar to mine.

It makes me wonder if i was slightly autistic as well :p

What do you need?

"Once you understand the needs of the market, product is unimportant, competition is irrelevant" Very mind-blowing statement. An ...