December 31, 2006

A Last Post For 2006

I know this might appear last minute. But nevertheless i shall continue as i am racing against time. Caroling for this year was fun but exhausting, greatly attributed to my slip disc. But i shall not dampen everyone's mood by rambling on to that.

My Carol Schedule this year:

2 Dec - VC @ SAFRA Mt Faber
12-13 Dec - VJ @ Marina Square
15 Dec - VC @ Biopolis
17 Dec - VJ @ The Pines
21 Dec - VC @ Toh Chai Concert
22 Dec - VJ @ Ritz Carlton
23 Dec - VC @ Hyatt
25 Dec - VJ @ Raffles

Really enjoyed the singing alot. I was allowed to conduct a few sessions in total, and i must really thank debbie and martin for giving me the chance. Its the simplicity and joy in conducting, not so much how well i conducted. okays.. so much for illustrating memories. Let some pictures do the talking. The picture on the left is self explanatory, and on the right is a year 3 photo, i.e. recent photo at Raffles after the reunion session on 25 th. Oh thanks for the pics gabriel!

Happy New Year To One And All! :) Year 2007 is so wonderful, its my ORD :)
4th Nov. 308 days left. Its ticking...

December 20, 2006

The Power Of Imagination

More often that not when in our own personal imagination, we dream of something wonderful. We dream of achieving freedom, wealth, and other paradise-like goals. But many of us are often stuck in this reality. While we are indulging in our fantasizing, we fail to realise that by doing so, we are not the least helping ourselves to inch towards these coveted dreams. Why? Because no practical thinking was done, what we did were the intangibles. A couple of people live in this category, i.e. self-delusion, and to a little extent, self-deceit. They are usually under-achievers.

But yet there is yet another group of people who occasionally fantasize about their ideal aspirations, but what sets them apart is that in their fantasies, they inserted a small segment, which is a link back to the present. In what they are dreaming, they remind themselves that they are working towards this goal, and constantly offer themselves encouragement through such imaginative aid. This bunch of people are wiser and more likely to succeed.

Then there is this small group of people who are very pragmatic and conservative. i would say they wouldn't have too ambitious dreams. They might have idyllic goals, but definitely something within their reach. These people seldom waste time indulging in the nobility of their goals, they get down into serious work, inching slowly, yet ever so steadily towards their destination. This people would also succeed, but not in a very ground-breaking, impressive manner.

I guess all of us somewhat belong into one of these categories. There is never a distinct boundary btw these 3 traits. It is a graded measurement. We may have shades here and there. But ultimately, we should all aim towards the second one, imaginative aid.

"Harnessing The Mental Perk Provided by Our Imaginations To Empower Our Physical Actions"

December 11, 2006

An Enchanting Year of Unknown Freedom

Well, though the year hasn't really ended, i thought i should just make a review early. This post is inspired by the post on simin's blog, where i commented on my all year round army life.. bleah..

Year of 2006: An Enchanting Year of Unknown Freedom. Why unknown? Army i would say. Neither did i know what life in NS would be, what would i face, and how would i cope. But all these uncertainty had ceased as i progressed towards the fourth quarter of the year. Now the condition has stabilised. But for the benefit of the majority of the months in this year, the Unknown shall remain :)

Probably some philosophy before i go on? How does one feel when one sails in unchartered waters, tread on unknown grounds? How confident are we facing the vicissitudes of life when we ourselves arent exactly sure what will emerge? Have you ever felt that the future isnt in your grip? Well, thats what i felt when i just enlisted in Jan. No thoughts about the gruelling 2 years and the impatience to ORD right in the beginning of the year, partly due to the fact that it was not pleasant knowing it? So i just felt my life was to be dictated. To be instructed, and i fear to say the least, be governed. BMT gave me a new dimension to life, i mean through the inception of Army life. No comments abt the intrigues of it, but yeah a significant alteration of my lifestyle and habits. So it was a forced change then. "Things are always sweeter in retrospect" (really?) So i would say, a welcome change. Tough training it was, especially in Ninja coy, but nevertheless one great soldier :)

That took away almost a quarter of my year, with CNY segmenting my BMT. I went to sispec bslc. Another change. Ok lets not talk abt the army aspect. My life changed too... It was a different form of training, a more specialised training. More respect. And i begun to accept the tougher training over time. 12 weeks i spent there. But however, it was in sispec where i injured my back, slipping the disc. In medical terms, Prolapsed Intevertebral Disc (PID), Lumbar disc herniation or whatever other terms. Well, told ya the army aspect of it was different. Training in sispec was different in nature as compared to BMT. My new found endurance through BMT was immediately and yet cruelly put to test in sispec, i triumph, but paid a heavy price. So that was all i had of sispec, in brevity.

Then i proceeded to Signal Institute for my 2nd part of 3SG course. Course started in June. Yet another totally different experience there. Knowledge intensive i would say. We learnt alot on signal communications and yup it reminded me much about physics. Imagine learning dc and ac currents all over again? Thats my first lecture. I reported my prolonged condtition of sciatica (sharp pain radiating from the butt all the way through the back of my thighs to ankle) to the MO, where he was quick to refer me to Alexandra Hospital. I took a X-ray, and subsequently MRI. Diagnosis confirmed slipdisc at L4L5 and L5S1. Ah, the news was so shattering. But gradually i lived with it. My course ended in 16 of Aug, and i was posted to 2 sig bn.

Stay was about 1.5 months. A great comaraderie there. An active unit. Caring individuals, especially the PC, OC, PS, CSM. They were always there to help when i needed. At this point of time i am writing this post they have just returned from an overseas exercise in Australia. Although my stint there in 2 sig bn was short, it was definitely enriching. The timeline now stays at Oct.

I was posted to OSC, my present camp. CAnt tell u much on this camp and what i do, but its a different role that i play here. I'm a project clerk. This environment brought me closer to the sch environment and definitely a civilian life. It'll be a permanent camp which i will remain in till i ORD Nov 2007. I am looking forward to make my journey here a pleasant, and hopefully memorable one.

So, enchanting? It seemed that everything i mentioned was abt army? i scrolled up upon finishing the above paragraph and was shocked myself. Well, actually, sadly, and unfortunately, that is my life. no, that was my life. I am looking for a change in lifestyle and a shift in focus. And i'm glad it has been changing. I hope exactly one year later when i write the yearly review it would never be about army again.

So, next year's title: An enchanting year of unadulterated inner freedom! :)

PS: To all my dearest friends, Life Is A Gift. If you are not enjoying it, there is something wrong. Do not take it offensively. I know some of you may be hard up in the army or uni now. But if u would be patient in allowing me to continue, it might help you.

Either u are not looking it through the right way, or that u are not doing the right thing. The difference btw right and wrong, happy and sad, is just our perception. It is artificial, it is superficial. We must never let them rein in the rationale functionings of our daily lives. We must never let it influence our tangible contributions, our physical expression, and our predisposition.

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"Once you understand the needs of the market, product is unimportant, competition is irrelevant" Very mind-blowing statement. An ...